Quick Easy Halloween MakeupHere is a list of products I used:Snow- ShadowSenseOnyx- ShadowSenseMoca Jave- ShadowSense Shop ShadowSense here: My link is down you can email me to order BrigitteBoulay@gmail.com #halloweenmakeup #skullmakeup #easyhalloweenmakeup #easyskullmakeup #makeuptutorial #promakeupartisttips
Here is a list of products I used:Snow- ShadowSenseOnyx- ShadowSenseMoca Jave- ShadowSense Shop ShadowSense here: My link is down you can email me to order BrigitteBoulay@gmail.com #halloweenmakeup #skullmakeup #easyhalloweenmakeup #easyskullmakeup #makeuptutorial #promakeupartisttips